Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
15th International Conference on Neurology and Neuromuscular Disorders, will be organized around the theme “Special Offer: Registration + 2 Night Accommodation in 999 USD Only”
Neurology Conference 2023 is comprised of 20 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Neurology Conference 2023.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
The central
The goal of neuroscience is to examine and research the structure and operation of the nerve cells and fibres that make up the nervous system. The study of the function and structure of the brain and nervous system is a broad and quickly expanding area of biology. In order to comprehend the physical relationship, psychological changes, and study of neurological illnesses with the brain interprets these changes and interactions as the brain, we explore a combination of psychology and biology in the field of neuroscience. The study of neuroscience encompasses cellular and molecular biology, development, evolution, biochemistry, physiology, nervous system anatomy and medical specialisations, computational neuroscience, behavioural neuroscience, and cognitive neuroscience. Work is done in the domains of chemistry, engineering, linguistics, mathematics, medicine, psychology, and physiology.
Geriatric neurology is a subspecialty dedicated to the research, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological disorders affecting the elderly.
One of the serious diseases that cancer causes is the neurological system. Neuro oncology is the study of tumours of the neurological system. It is a field of medicine that deals with tumours of the brain and spinal cord. In the majority of cases, it ends up being fatal. It carries out research, investigation, detection, and care for malignant and benign spinal cord and brain tumours.
The field of neuro-oncology deals with a variety of tumours, including primary and metastatic tumours of the central nervous system (CNS) as well as their diverse primary causes. Some of the worst cancers are Pons' gliomas, brain stem gliomas, glioblastoma multiforme, and astrocytomas.
The cerebral cortex, the area of the brain normally responsible for emotions, memory, behaviour, and personality, degenerates in dementia. In this area, dementia's cognitive impairments are a result of brain cell loss. Dementia can be brought on by head injuries, brain tumours, malignancies, hormonal irregularities, metabolic problems, hypoxia, dietary deficiencies, substance abuse, or chronic alcoholism. The two main degenerative causes of dementia are Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia, both of which are progressing illnesses. Dementia may be caused by a number of neuropathological conditions, including both neurodegenerative and vascular illnesses. Dementia is most prevalent in the elderly, and becoming older is the main risk factor.
This affects our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It also describes how we communicate with people, deal with discomfort, and make decisions. Mental health is major at every stage of human, from start to end of the life. Extreme disorders that can impair your thought, propensity, and direction are mental clutters. There are various theories about psychological illness. A portion can forecast your traits and family background.
blended dementia
Dementia and stroke
Dementia's root causes
dementia treatments
The Mental Health of Women
Mental Health Treatment
Mental Health of Children
Psychological counselling
Resilience in humans and mental health
Mental wellbeing joins our enthusiastic, emotional, and social advancement. This affects our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It also establishes how we express ourselves to others, deal with sorrow, and make decisions.
An abnormal cell mass or growth in the brain is referred to as a brain tumour. Brain tumours come in many different forms. There are some cancerous brain tumours and non-cancerous (benign) brain tumours (malignant). Cancer can develop in another region of the body and move to the brain, or brain tumours (primary brain tumours) can arise in the brain (secondary, or metastatic, brain tumors). The rate at which a brain tumour develops might vary greatly. How a brain tumour affects the nervous system's ability to operate depends on its rate of growth and location. The type, size, and location of a person's brain tumour will all affect the treatment options available. Gliomas are brain tumours that start with glial cells. Gliomas may be high-grade or low-grade (slow-growing) (fast growing). The location of the tumour is also highly important. Glioma is a type of tumour that develops in the brain and spinal cord. Gliomas start and sustain the function of the glue-like supporting cells (glial cells) that surround nerve cells. The age of the patient, the particular type of tumour, and the location of the tumour within the brain all affect the symptoms, prognosis, and course of treatment for gliomas.
It involves uncontrollable repetitive movements or unwanted sounds (tics), such as repeatedly blinking the eyes, shrugging shoulders or blurting out offensive words.
Neural coding is a neuroscience field concerned with characterising the hypothetical relationship between the stimulus and the individual or ensemble neuronal responses and the relationship among the electrical activity of the neurons in the ensemble.
Neurons (also called neurones or nerve cells) are the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system, the cells responsible for receiving sensory input from the external world, for sending motor commands to our muscles, and for transforming and relaying the electrical signals at every step in between.
Neuropharmacology is a branch of study which deals with drugs that affect the nervous system. It is focused on the development of compounds that may be of benefit to individuals who suffer from neurological or psychiatric illness.
Neurosurgery or neurological surgery, known in common parlance as brain surgery, is the medical specialty concerned with the surgical treatment of disorders which affect any portion of the nervous system including the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.
Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It is all about how people think, feel, and behave. People sometimes use the term “mental health” to mean the absence of a mental disorder. Mental health can affect daily living, relationships, and physical health.
A child neurologist, or pediatric neurologist, is a doctor who treats children who have problems with their nervous system. Problems in the nervous system can start in the brain, spine, nerves, or muscles. These can lead to problems such as seizures, headaches, or developmental delays.
A stroke is a medical emergency.
Symptoms of stroke include trouble walking, speaking and understanding, as well as paralysis or numbness of the face, arm or leg. Early treatment with medication like tPA (clot buster) can minimise brain damage. Other treatments focus on limiting complications and preventing additional strokes.
The brain and spinal cord are shaped by the Central Nervous System, or CNS. It is a component of our nervous system and is referred to as the "central nervous system" because it serves as a hub for receiving, coordinating, and influencing behaviour across the entire body. Our breathing, moods, heart rate, movements, body temperature, the release of several hormones, and other functions are all regulated by it. There is white matter and grey matter in the CNS. The brain inside the skull contains this. White matter and grey matter make up the outer cortex of the brain. White matter serves as a link between the various locations of nerve cell bodies and transports nerve impulses between neurons. White matter is present in myelinated axons. Grey matter and white matter differ in that the latter has many cell bodies and few myelinated axons, whilst the latter contains more long-range myelinated axon tracts and fewer cell bodies.
The central nervous system's nervous or peripheral systems are impacted by neurological illnesses, which can also affect the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, or neuromuscular function. Medical specialisation concerns can have a variety of origins, including as genetic abnormalities, inborn malformations or disorders, diseases linked to certain lifestyle choices or environmental factors, diseases themselves, brain damage, damage to the medulla spinalis, nerve damage, and protein sensitivity. It puts an excessive strain on global health.
Both mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia are characterized by objective evidence of cognitive impairment. The main distinctions between mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia are that in the latter, more than one cognitive domain is involved and substantial interference with daily life is evident
The slow degeneration of the structure and function of the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system characterises the diverse group of illnesses known as neurodegenerative disorders. Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease are two common neurodegenerative illnesses. Neurodegenerative disorders happen when nerve cells in the brain or peripheral nervous system gradually lose control and pass away. There is presently no means to stop the progression of the disease, and there are no known therapies, despite the fact that some of the physical or mental symptoms linked to neurodegenerative diseases can be alleviated by medicine. The likelihood of developing a neurodegenerative condition increases considerably with advancing age. The fact that more Americans are living longer indicates that more people in the ensuing decades will experience neurodegenerative illnesses. This circumstance raises a significant issue.
The Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience (BCN) group investigates the biology of thinking, feeling, and behaviour. The field of Behavioral Neuroscience is the study of the biological basis of behavior in humans and animals. This discipline typically examines the brain's neurotransmissions and the psychological events associated with biological activity.
In MS, resulting nerve damage disrupts communication between the brain and the body.
Multiple sclerosis causes many different symptoms, including vision loss, pain, fatigue and impaired coordination. The symptoms, severity and duration can vary from person to person. Some people may be symptom free for most of their lives, while others can have severe, chronic symptoms that never go away.
Neuromuscular disorders include a wide-range of diseases affecting the peripheral nervous system, which consists of all the motor and sensory nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. Progressive muscle weakness is the predominant condition of these disorders.